Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The thought that put it all in perspective...

When I said I had recently re-dedicated my life to Jesus, I am talking very recent. Like say Sunday. One of my biggest hang ups since then has been admitting my renewed love. What were the people that knew I wasn't really into the whole "church thing" going to think? Would they laugh at me? Would they make fun of me? Would we still be friends? I couldn't get over it.

So even though I had all these amazing thoughts and verses I wanted to post all over the internet and wherever else, I chose not to because I was ashamed. I thought it more important to keep friends. I didn't want them to know of my love for Him. But today at work, I had a realization.

Every day I show my love for a man, a worldly man, and I do so without shame, but I don't display my love for my redeemer as proudly. I have fear of what others will think of that, I have shame. Will other people's opinions save me? Will the love for my husband save me? No. But love of the Savior of man will save me.

Matthew 10:32-33 - "Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown before my Father in heaven."


  1. I think that is well said and you should not be ashamed because your true friends will always love you just as God will always love you

  2. Definitely agreed Maggie. Also those that do judge me for faith may eventually come to me for guidance to it.

  3. I'll be following Rikki! Glad you decided to start it up.
